Friday, August 27, 2010

Spiritual Eyes

Sometimes I wish I could close my eyes and reappear on the mission field where solid Christians surrounded me and God was being poured into my life constantly Sun-Sat.(dorm life-bible studies, school-bible class, Outreach - sharing our Faith in tribal villages every week & church) I didn't see it as being a struggle to serve God, bc it was a common lifestyle. We even focused on God through sports, choir, band, etc. Everything we did was circled around God.

On the other hand, I see the danger I had of not being prepared to shield myself under God's protection when the pressures of unfamiliar sins faced me here in America. What do I mean by that....well, I didn't have to work as hard at surrendering to the Lord everyday on the mission field like I do here. It wasn't as hard to be in love with the Lord bc no one made me choose otherwise. No one cussed in my face, no one asked me to do drugs or have sex, there was no temptation to wear inappropriate clothing, there was no temptation to listen to non-Christian music or watch ungodly movies & TV. I had no pressure of feeling like I needed to date a guy to be popular. I didn't have to stand up for my faith to non-Christians bc everyone in my school was already a Christian. And the village I went to weekly was so hungry for more and more Jesus! I didn't have to face too many situations with a secular mindset. I didn't care if I wore the same thing twice that week. I didn't have friends making fun of me if I didn't have the most popular "thing"! "Things" were not taught to be priority in life. I learned to live with nothing yet at the same time knowing I had everything already in Christ Jesus.

I am thinking about this today, bc I have been reminded today of how much God wants me to surrender to Him everyday in this lost world! I have no excuse to be lazy in my Christian walk just because my surroundings are different now. I don't live in the Christian bubble I did on the mission field. (Not that everything was perfect, but it was easier.) But, just because I'm not surrounded daily with Christian people doesn't mean I can become like world. I don't have a day off. I can't clock out when I walk out of church. It's a lifestyle!

As a 26 year old in America I am faced with a lost world that is pressuring me everyday and has been over the past 10 years. I have let the LIES slowly slip into my life! God says that as Christians, we are in the world, but we can't become like the world. Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." I can't let man decide who I am or I will lose my identity that I have in Christ. How does this happen? So Simple! We live in a world that screams "TV is important, expensive jeans are what you need, you have to look good, you deserve things more than your husband/wife does, God can wait until the next church day, it's all about YOU and YOUR needs before anyone else, do what YOU want, live how YOU want, make YOURSELF happy!

I don't say this so you can feel overwhelmed, throw your hands up, and give up! No way! I say this to encourage you to look at life through God's eyes. Ask God to give you wisdom! Ways to find truth and meaning in your life can be found in His Holy Word. Proverbs 2:1-5 says "My son, if you accept My words and store up My commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God." Wow - God is telling us RIGHT HERE to search for understanding and wisdom as if searching for hidden treasure! This morning I heard on the Christian radio station that if we had just a glimpse of life through God's eyes, we would be SO moved and think SO differently than we do. The great thing about that, is WE CAN! All we have to do is ask Him! What a wonderful promise from the Lord!! I don't have to give up, I can just ask HIM for guidance!!!

My prayer: Lord, you are Maker of heaven and earth! WOW! Help me understand who You really are. That You are not a small God, but a Big, marvelous, all knowing, loving Creator! God, show me where You are at work in my life. Help me to see life through YOUR spiritual eyes and not my worldly eyes. Remove my pride! Remove the obstacles in my life that direct me down the wrong path. God, give me Your mercy because I have none without You, God, give me Your strength because I have none without You, God show me YOUR way because my way leads to destruction. Lord, forgive us for choosing our own route and for selfishly choosing ourselves over You!! Give us the desire to search for understanding and wisdom as if searching for hidden treasure!

God will use our messed up circumstances to grow us closer to Him if we allow Him! Lord help me to be that person you created me to be!

1 comment:

  1. This is good, I think you ought to do this. I will be a follower.
